This project is about having shared amenities between residents and people from other places. It aims to bring the specialty of alleys inside a building by recreating it at a housing scale. Alleys are usually quiet, private and contain several dead-ends where people can gather. By providing three different scales of shared amenities, the alleys direct people together and encourage them to interact with each other at the dead-ends. This project aims to promote interaction among residents & visitors, which builds connections between permanent & short-term visitors who want to understand SF from a local perspective. It uses the urban fabric-alleys, dead-ends, pockets of space as models to create multiple scales of interaction encouraging spaces. By mixing these various types of residents in a highly interactive format, they all benefit from their shared knowledge. This project houses both permanent & short term visitors who want to understand SF from a local perspective. By mixing these various types of residents in a highly interactive format, they all benefit from their shared knowledge. Different programs- shared kitchens, bar, library, basketball courts – occur at these different spatial pockets & draw residents together to interact in the nodes.